#Aplus gville k12 ms us drivers#
I found your site very valuable - even found updated drivers for my Rockwell SoftK56 PCI Modem that improved its performance. Thank you verymuch indeed for having these, Compaq modem drivers, been looking all over place, but could not find these drivers. Have used your info before and had good luck with it. Just got a HP with Lucent v90/DSL modem went from 38k to 42k connects on USR v90 to 28.8 connects with Lucent modem.
#Aplus gville k12 ms us upgrade#
HP, I guess you idiots don't realize most computer owners UPGRADE to new computers.mine won't be your brand, that's for sure. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SITE! My connection is never better than 14.4 and usually slower with this piece of crap "modem" even now, but at least I don't get the "time-out" errors when trying to connect with certain software, i.e.money99, etc. \ Your site exhibits the basic intelligence needed merely to communicate well, a trait HP and others obviously can't do.and you do it extrememly well and concisely. I would have preferred to spend a couple hundred more dollars and received quality. HP will NEVER EVER get my business again (Pavilion 8550c). I took the advice on this page and was able to reinstall from the recovery disk the original modem drivers on the machine since I had updated it once and that's when most problems started. I have a Rockwell HCF stinks and so does Riptide.
#Aplus gville k12 ms us driver#
Where found driver for modem lucent 56k v90 pci DFi notebook compaq presario 1200 ?thank The Forum 56 is everything you wanted and needed to know about a modem.Great source of info. This site and very good, more he/she would like to know if as I do to identify a fax/modem plate when that doesn't have identification FCC, it will be that exists a software that reconece the plate, would like to change information on modems I hightly recommend this site, the person (whoever runs this site) knows well when it comes to modems, but i still can't understand why some people are still knocking the lucent chipset based modems, i been using one for 2 years now, and i rate it a+ and hope this site will continue to be here down the road. I will certainly recomend this site to my friends! Thanks a lot for your helpful site, these days with so much garbage on the web we can find a helpful site to learn, help us improve our net connection, again thanks, thanks, thanks. Thanks the info helped me track down support.